Anews Podcast 128 – 8.23.19

From Anews Podcast

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

no Editorial
TOTW-Anarcho-Primitivism with Aragorn! and friend

sound editing by Greg
what’s new was written by Jackie and Greg, and narrated by Chisel and Greg
1) Have Fun Teaching – Context Clues
2) Omnia – Earth Warrior


There are 3 Comments

i missed ya’ll.

funny, i didn’t make a quip under the “nurturance culture” post, and no one else commented. there’s always an unintentionally comedic aspect, if you’re a cynic, in these AK style texts. but if you consistently point that out, you come off looking like a bully, or worse, an insensitive bigot.” plus these texts are lengthy enough and include tenuously defined buzzwords that pose a dissuasive effect for a casual reviewer that’s not necessarily enthralled to read it in the first place. i read the articles linked in the post, from nora’s blog. they’re not bad (very pop psych tho) but the title’s and certain phrases sprinkled around are certainly very cringe.

Andy's obnoxiously smart.

Also, accelerationism?! For reals?!
From the class-is-everything uk?!

Just more signs of the times I guess ...

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