TOTW: Die, Bastards! Die!*

Just when you thought things couldn't get any more nauseating... the 2020 spectacle continues to outdo itself with more and more ridiculousness. Just within the past week we've witnessed some doozies coming from the amerikkkan political clown show... one particularly impressive example is watching the POTUS getting called out as a nazi devil by the Left, then announcing that he had contracted the coronavirus, which (of course) immediately led to receiving thoughts and prayers from those same leftists...

The conversation on social media goes something like this:

YungLeftist: POTUS got the rona! Haha! I hope he dies!

WiseLeftist: Nooooo we don't want our enemies to die! We want them to live so we can reeducate them and change their views!

LiberalMedia: (sobbing) Pleeeease God save the POTUS and FLOTUS!!!

anarchists: *deletes social media forever*

For this week's Topic of the Week let’s talk about wishing death upon our enemies!! Where do you stand on the matter and when does it end? Will the death of all our enemies help us achieve the anarchy we desire to see in the world? Or, do you instead prefer that your enemies would simply just ‘come around to your way of seeing things/thinking/being…’ Are you sure?

* Translated from the German, meaning: “The Bastards! The!” (Nice try, F B I!)

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Of course we all wish death upon our enemies but how many of us are actually TRAINED to make it happen? We are told wishes can't change anything, to keep to ourselves, and, above all, to not wish for the mass death of those who are our enemies. To cultivate a death-wishing spirit in our time, we must follow a mystical compass in addition to developing strategic wishing and building killing capacity. Become magical. Make yourself capable of death-wishing. Learn the art of psionics, how thought can become a weapon.

*eyeroll* uhm, just map it out?

Have you ever used sadistic violence and enjoyed it and/or felt fully justified?

Most of you will answer "no, I use memes and don't go outside much."

Then if you're interested in being honest with yourself, you are a swaddled infant in the woods on this topic and that's fine but don't ever let it slip your mind.

To everyone else, I wouldn't presume to tell you shit about your shit cuz that ain't my shit to speak on.

But when I eventually understood the ITS drama, if I'm not mistaken, the whole point of that little freakshow was an attempt to point out how most of what passes for "the left" in the modern context would be in the "I've never even been in a fight" category, even as they claim to want things that would obviously require oceans of blood.

This ... undermines their credibility among other things.

Wishes are a meh kinda magic. As unsatisfactory as karma except with added toothless invocation. So, I wish death, and get either the quiet of the room, some sideways pitying acknowledgement, or the spilled seed of a circle jerk. Our enemies will inevitably die, with the wish succumbing to probability and lost upon the breeze.

It remains if you want something doing it is best done yourself. Death is a solution, but the logistics of instigating it are a pain in the arse even with the best sniper's rifle or electronic device. Plus, I'm not particularly bothered whether any of the cornucopia of shitbags and motherfuckers lives or dies. I just want to fuck up their shit so it's harder and less enjoyable for them to... err... shitbag and motherfuck.

Much like the diversity of possibilities that might exist without, and exist in spite of these bastards, there are a diversity of ways to break their tools, nullify the impact of their stories and to take revenge.

Perhaps be kind to your confidence—save your wishes for something else.

more often!

Basically, that's how politics works, it's about "who deserves what", especially with late capitalism. I sympathize with leftists laughing at the fact trump got coronavirus, because it's no secret that trump is a narcissist. However, the problem with the narcissist insult is it always is directed outward. Every place that has a celebrity culture, there is narcissism.

To tell you the truth, i've always been a little bit of a sociopath. Sometimes I enjoy hurting people. I used to be a bully, maybe i am still a bully. Revenge is one of the anarchist ideas that gets me the most aroused. I'm really good at getting other people to feel sorry for me, which is the defining distinction between sociopathy and the other anti-social personify disorders. Maybe my only problem is I don't have a very legit identity. I don't know. Fuck that. I'm just normal. Fuck all of my inwardly directed insults and compliments. None of it is true.

I think were fucked personally, especially went we go into these types of conversations. You know what? I think to an extent all humans deserve today. Or maybe we only deserve to die when we actually do. Maybe the only the police deserve to die, if we want to think about it through the terms of the anarchists ideology.

I was thinking the other day, that maybe the longer humans are allowed to live by nature, the more we torture ourselves and torture others. The only reason i deleted my social media during rona was that everything became about politics and morality over night, it started out fun, i could just laugh and post stupid shit, but then, i sca'ed myself a little too deeply.


As with giving, with taking a reciprocity circle is entered, and the Anarch mind will gire and gimble upon its axis of consequence and dopamine.
Cry for the innocent and seeth at the monster of cruelty according to your circumstance.

I didn't know the president got the rona. How did that happen? Did the secret service get tired of testing his blow for the rona?
I'm not preoccupied of wishing crap on people and see it as entirely a waste of my brain battery power. Enjoy discussing the supernatural demands. Commence circle jerk in 3, 2, 1....

LOL at the big brained anons taking "wishing" literally. Amazing.

To the point: yes.

The world would be better without mine enemies.

as just a way to speak to other people, express oneself, wishing is very similar to believing and hoping in its fixation on the future. Of course the buddhists agree with you that all of those things are just bad and counter-productive...i guess in the end it's like, "how does one stop living in a world of thought?", part of the solution to that would have to be a removal of the importance of thought in a social context (i.e., there not being a practical use in retirement funds...) and then the other part would be individual which amounts to mindfulness, meditation, more-engaging/less-alienating activities than work.

However, i'm very doubtful of the general appeal of mindfulness as an exercise that can have benefits for every single person.

if we only had enough __________ we could surely __________.

hippies / levitate the pentagon
anarchists / attain anarchy
guns / kill our enemies
muscles / be sexy
factories / communism!
dumpsters / dine exquisitely forever

Questions without response are most often knots that only time can untie, because, tangled in the twists and turns of an upside-down world, they come undone on their own the moment Life readjusts.

Since the unsolvable obeys a logic which has no final solution except death, there is in every question an unheard resonance that carries emotions of joy and happiness. In this sense, nothing is less futile than the tenderness of a glance, the taste of a morning coffee, a Boccherini trio, a Mozart aria, a ray of sunlight between palm fronds, the bloom-like opening of a lover’s hand, the smell of love which is more eloquent than the words of love. It is from there that so many desires, discouraged by circumstances hostile to their accomplishment, regain force; it is from there that they are liberated from the contortions of bitterness and of the dissatisfaction that comes of all the questions that every day poses when one suffers from an inextricable self-doubt, demanding to no longer be renounced, demanding to desire endlessly.

Pleasure smashes linear time, wherein life flows according to the rhythms of the economy, according to the chain of exchanges, along the lines of installment payments on an imminent justice. What is done out of constraint and necessity can only be understood, and, inseparably, transformed, by means of the freeness of enjoyments.

Pleasure is at the source of an inexhaustible self-confidence, which is the opposite of faith in Gods and Causes, that is, faith in the economy running the world. One satisfied desire engenders ten more, each with the promise of a singular happiness.

That’s why happy people find within themselves no reason to wish death or punishment on anyone.

One of the reasons that early staged communism was successfully achieved in the Soviet Union, China, DPRK, and Cuba was because communist vanguards were not afraid to eliminate their enemies. As anarchist-communists we must make hard choices and once the proletariat has successfully controlled the means of production will the killing end.

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