New blog about hunt sabotage

via Act for freedom now!

At this link: you will find a new blog which was created in order to pubish direct actions regarding hunting and fishing sabotage -and actions with anti-hunting/fishing context in general- in greece. Its english version is here: However, it is more restricted than the greek one as not all texts have been translated yet.

Moreover, those texts gathered and republished concern only the last years (2017 till today) for now. However, there are more. Whoever wants to enhance the spreading of anti-hunting/fishing actions in greece can send an email with relevant actions at: so as to be published. The same goes for whoever is interested in helping with the translations. Emails which are not coming from movement servers will not be accepted, for security reasons.

About the blog

This blog is a anarchist initiative held in greece. The purpose behind it is to publish hunt sabotage direct actions and the reason behind it is that until all are free, no one is free.
The time this is being written, countless non-human animals are being shot by killers and lay dead on the ground. Others are being captured on films together with their killers and others have already become a product for humans.

Fighting against authority / power means fighting against all of its kinds. Until this becomes a fact of common sense we will keep on adding the word ‘total‘ before ‘liberation‘.
Fighting Against: speciesism – ableism – sexism – capitalism – fascism – racism – patriarchy – hierarchy – state – church – political parties – religions – commercialization – neurodiverse exclusion

Fighting For: freedom

huntSab (blog admin)


There are 8 Comments

are we ready to be done with the fanaticism of ellen g smith, kellogg and graham yet?

these folks came up with their ideas because they didn't want us to be free to fuck. they were involved in various schemes, grifts, cults for this reason.

should the indigenous quit hunting?

more animals are harmed in industrial mono-cropping: first as provention, then in harvesting. humans are often enslaved (chocolate uses children, cashews, coffee). bee populations are deeply harmed by pesticide exposure. fossil fuels must also be used to extract nitrogen for fertilizer since topsoils are so depleted. this causes phosphorous dumps and run-offs, ruining many aquatic areas.

our bodies are mostly fat, protein, cholestoral (of which vitamin d3 is a molecule away from).

ideology is a barrier to engaging with the complex web of relations we are embeded within.

did you miss this part?

"Fighting against authority / power means fighting against all of its kinds. Until this becomes a fact of common sense we will keep on adding the word ‘total‘ before ‘liberation‘. Fighting Against: speciesism – ableism – sexism – capitalism – fascism – racism – patriarchy – hierarchy – state – church – political parties – religions – commercialization – neurodiverse exclusion"

huntsabs, animal liberationists, vegan anarchists/nihilists, et al. do not want "industrial mono-cropping" either. your tired argument is a strawman.

the "ideology" you're opposing is simply: be less horrible to other sentient beings. why do you think that is? hint: it's because you're probably horrible.

the cashews and coffee are fed to the children to give them the boosts of energy needed to mine the chocolate (ipso facto: the chocolate is using the cashews) before the bees use up all the fossil fuels to run their industrial machines.this would never happen if we sustainably clearcut the amazon to make more space for hunting hamburger cattle! fucking vegans don't realize that as long as we use all the parts, and say "thank's cow" in lakota, that it's more natural!

I don't get the focus on hunting... You *know* that a lot of the damage caused to the environment (as well as indirectly health of humans and other animals) is due to mass industrial exploitation of cattle, i.e. the big tree you get everywhere on the markets. This has been pushed by the need to "feed everyone" through a mass capitalist society... The fun part is that there's so much deer available in some northenr regions to compensate for a lot of the meat demands, at least on a local level, which would at least help in reducing dependency on cattle meat from the markets. Think about that.

Hunters may be often ugly POS with disregard to life (not always the case, as I seen several that were careful not to disrupt animals' living environments, and refrained from hunting more than they could), but these are rather from the "poacher" subgroup. Redneck manboys with far too much resources in their hands, starting with big trucks and neat country houses. That'd probably be a good new development if you'd be hunting these guys in the forest, or at least sabotage their equipment. The biggest issue afaik in wilder regions are these poachers, not hunters. The latter gotta observe rules meant to keep a balance in the ecosystems while the former are still a major concern today everywhere.

And whatever happened to suburban sprawls, too? Are they good coz they make hunting impracticable? So they do with wildlife.

Animal testing, too? I hope you don't believe SHAC has put an end to all of it, rite?

Bonjour. More than one thing can be horrible and focused on at a time,,,, dOOd.
I hope you don't think anarchism has put an end to authority,,,, rite?

Yet again, the activist methodology has hot-headedly jumped the gun in an over emotionalized knee-jerkanian counter-reactive manner! The problem is with overpopulation in certain regions such as Asia and extravagant lifestyles in low populated developed regions. Over-eating and consumption of all food-types in developed regions is problematic. Meat shouldn't be singled out.
The psychology of addiction to alcohol, money, beef, cars, sugar, food, work, sex, in fact, in most Western activities have an obsessive over-indulgent aspect which resembles syndromes in a majority of perps brainwashed into the advance, growth and progress model that corporate global capitalists push to increase their profit margins. In early life, this emphasis on financial success and status should not be drilled into children as the purpose to life. Often the hunter is living a minimalist and frugal existence.

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