Which text on the problems with rights is the most compelling?

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“Might Is, Like, Right and Everybody Knows This”
by William “Ragnar Redbeard” Gillis, C4SS Publishing, LLC

Hi Gillis.

The Chomsky essay isn't really an analysis of rights beyond saying people need rights.

So what's wrong with that? Are you saying we don't deserve to have human rights? Is this anarchistnews or fascistnews?

Maybe read the essays (not the Chomsky one) before assuming rights are compatible with anarchy.

The votes in favor of ziq's essay are all a result of brigading from raddle and it's ziq cult members - they posted a link to the poll there.

"you people"...the famous words used by all reactionaries worldwide. I'd say that raddle is about 80% ziq and ziq alts and about 20% ziq cultists. for people who don't know what I'm talking about check this out: https://web.archive.org/web/20180405002453/https://raddle.me/f/lobby/284... - funniest part is the comments where ziq starts attacking people who point out how hard it would be to trust any account on radddle to not be ziq following their revelations.

It can only be Bob Black's The Myth of Rights, cos that's anarch perspective, not looking up at societal expectations of behavioral tendencies and expectations, but forging one's own right to do whatever.

combining two of the most anarchist things: rights and voting

and then the continuation of your thought in the comment section? It's not like you are using the subject line as a subject or even an attention call you randomly break it between two fields which is twice the effort. Please help me understand why you do this? What gives you the right to confuse me like this? Why go through the trouble of writing a single thought in two separate fields? The subject field isn't required to comment! It makes no sense! Please, 08:59. Please explain.

If you leave the subject line blank, the program automatically elevates the first few words into that line.

Correct. Therefore it's not necessary to begin the sentence in the Subject field unless you're actually using it for a subject. And also the comment will begin as a complete sentence/idea.

thank you anon this is very helpful and will make us better internet anarchists.

It's also ableist. The comment field in your broken up replies does not begin with the contents of the subject field and people using screen readers get a fragmented comment. Real anarchists consider people with screen readers and want to be legible. Thank you.

Bob Black'e essay, The Right to Run to the Cops to Fight All My Battles For Me is an indispensable US anarchist text.

"The Right to Whine About Things That Happened Before You Were Born And Learned About On Social Media From Other Seething Babies And It Makes You Sooo Amgry"?
is a good one too perhaps only topped by
"Fuck-Off, Keating And Other Essays"

"Things That Happened Before You Were Born..." This is the contemporary raised on I-phones and the internet stupidland notion of reality that prevails in the consumer society world of today. If it isn't on your feed, it doesn't matter and it doesn't exist.

Why are all the choices garbage? FFS Vote Blue Chomsky, Ziq the honeypot owner? As if aside from Marsden there had been no critique of Rosseau or enlightenment ideology before the advent of "I only read zines" post-leftism?
Karl Marx demolished the concept of Rights in the Critique of the Gotha Program (1875).

The fact Ziq was put up there as a legit source is somewhat revealing that there's members of his cult in Thecollective, which is consequentially sad. Please don't go full [redacted because I like to use slurs], Thecollective... Ziq is a toxic asshole. The approach recommended by a growing consensus of international doctors is to NOT support toxic assholes, but leave them in a corner for a while, with a cone hat, so they can potentially find a way out of their toxic behavior.

for sure ziq is a toxic asshole, but do you really think thecollective (or any other pollsters) is offering particular choices as implicit endorsements? that's not how polls work. in fact, i'd wager that nobody in thecollective has read all of the essays. a few of them might have probably read one or two, but certainly not all. but that doesn't matter, because they are clearly interested in the responses, not the sources. polls like this are a provocation, so mission accomplished.

There is public record. They are sibling projects peopled by the same perps. Don’t be coy.

some of the same people doesn't mean that they're the same project, or have the same decision making, or the same goals... but everything being everything must make things much easier for you.

you act like you know things you don't know. what a good internet warrior you are

It's like so many anarchist land projects where the person who has their name on the deed swings dick and perps obey. The people who own the sibling projects, never said the same, are actively making decisions don't pretend otherwise. There can never be equality between the people working on these projects and the boss. Don't be coy.

Also what's with "internet warrior" ..insult? Is that a bad thing? Is a military warrior better? What kind of a warrior is good? I am on the internet posting a comment this is not war and we are not fighting. Do you feel threatened?

* Correction: the owner is the same but the projects are not the same. They are sibling projects owner by the same person. And Ziq's book is published by one of the sibling projects and promoted by the other.

Instagram and Facebook are not the same either huh? Do you even believe this complete BS?

I dunno, really. But one thing's for sure, this is just giving a toxic asshole more lip service, for free. Why so? That's the "full [again I keep saying this term, what is my problem?]" part I was talkin' 'bout.

Writing/publishing books doesn't make someone more worthy of attention, much less credibility. Amazon and Goodreads is full of toxic attention whore "authors". The US being especially a country with such huge book markets, in all subcultures you can think of, there's grounds for these types of self-absorbed ventures...

In the end, what matters is what original ideas. theories, takes, views an author is bringing, out of this contaminated sea of disinfo.

the poll isn't "which of the collective's favorite pieces is the most compelling?" stop being stupid.

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