ANews Podcast 281 - 9.23.22

ANews Podcast 281 - 9.23.22

From ANews Podcast

Welcome to this week’s podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and comments from the previous week on


What’s New

Written by chisel, read by chisel and grumples 

(Apologies to grumples for cutting out the part about Data from The Goonies being better than Data from Star Trek, and The Goonies being better than all of Star Trek, and chisel not having watched The Goonies before.)

A reading from theanarchistlibrary
reading: Ursula K. Le Guin – The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction

Read & sound edited by Max Res

Anarchist Takes OnNot Anarchist News
with special guests Violet, Fee, & Max Res

sound editing by octox

Music & Samples: 

Roy Orbison – In Dreams

△Sco△ – i can’t take it anymore II ft chernoburkv

There are 26 Comments

More readings from scifi writers! Very good yes yes

For being a pretty long segment the unnamed anarchists on not anarchist news bit went by pretty quick. Moving between lots of topics makes for quick listening, guess that's why the Chapo nerds and Zerzan do it. As an only accidental consumer of news aside from the hyper local I generally find the longer form, slightly more focused discussions of anarchy things stick with me more. Snacks are tasty though! Sometimes lighter things can be nice too. I go back and forth on how valuable keeping up with the news is, I guess this segment is an assertion that is has some value. At least for thirdhand entertainment purposes!

The hot girl walk story sounded like something that John Zerzan would ramble about on his radio show. Maybe he did! Sorry for not listening JZ! Disappointed that the professional chess hans niemann magnus carlsen stockfish 15 engine cheating OTB vibrating anal probe scandal didn't make the cut. The truth hurts! Always retreat!

I think anarchists shouldn’t follow the lead of any media cycle or trends, even if it is to critique them. It’s just playing into them, nothing is subverted. The fugly hag stroll in itself is more of a thing than chatter about the fugly hag stroll. Sad no one mentioned prole stroll.

I also think anarchists have no need to be lukewarm about being for freedom without worrying about being culturally insensitive. Anarchy will always offend the morality police everywhere. Sure, statements of solidarity are of no use to someone oppressed far away, but that’s no reason to temper your speech or rebelliousness.

And that guy beat Magnus fair and square, he’s just being a sore loser, the anal beads thing is just wild speculation and baseless accusation.

The reading of mainstream news was good but didn't Anews used to scoff at JZ for reading mainstream news? What's next a wood chopping segment?

and will scoff again.

chisel /= thecollective, much less all of commenters ffs

Thanks I guess, but I was addressing the people who were in the segment ffs.

Chisel offers a favorable mention of her time in Israel. Is Chisel an Israeli or was this a birthright trip? It is always good to meet more anarchists from the the Occupied Territories in the media.

i don’t think the comment that israel felt small town-ish was meant as praise. the telling cues are the tone in which it was said, as well as past history of not necessarily holding certain words and values, such as community, in a positive light, unlike what many default to



Illuminati Freemason Synagogue of Satan are behind Bay Area anarchism and also possibly Antifa! Who would have known!?

'60s Star Trek series and maybe a few films are at least as good as The Goonies. Yet nothing except maybe LOTR beats The Goonies.

wow chisel has never watched the goonies. I'm going to stop coming to this website. I'm done. this. was. the. final. straw.

apparently anarchists lack any refined taste in 80s classics that has defined the foundation of anarchists who broke Starbucks windows in 1999. what's next!? chisel has never watched stand by me? get real! I'm logging out and you all should too.

If chisel does the truffle shuffle on tiktok will you return, brow? We can't loose anymore brows around here.


The neoliberal nihilism of '90s blockbuster flicks (including goddamn Blockbuster chains in the first place!) was the tectonic shift which discretely triggered the collective subconscious of countless Gen-Xers and Millenials who grew up with the cinematic gems of the '80s who were the most anarchistic cinema since Roddenberry's original Star Trek series, resulting in countless newspaper boxes in the streets!

All contemporary NA anarchy since then is rooted back to the magical adventures of this band of anarcho kiddies from the glory days of '80s suburban Muhrica, sliding down to pirates treasures n shit, deep down the long-lost subconscious heavens crushed by decades of Boomer domination.

Also Gremlins!

you know what would be cool? having a forum on for the readings Max Res does from the @ library.
just a thought.

That'd be "cool" like sipping wine coolers in the back of a red Fiero while listening to White Snake's smash hit single "Here I Go Again."

Snorting coke between boobs on Duran Duran was peak '80s cool, brah. None can deny except if you're some unrelated Millenial.

In every conversation, no matter what, it’s essential to always emphasize the groups into which you will split them.

What does "between boobs on Duran Duran" even mean? I have spent too much time trying to decipher the typo but can't make sense of it! Help me anews grammar nazis you're my only hope.

Perhaps the boobs are on a Duran Duran record album that was used as a tray to cut lines of coke? Or perhaps one of the members of Duran Duran had boobs and coke was snorted off of them? Lastly, perhaps Duran Duran was regional slang for another drug that one was on while snorting coke?

1- Yes too.

2- Yes too.

3- Naaah.

With a better syntax it just means "snorting coke between boobs *while listening to* Duran Duran", ya know?

Covid was real? The pandemic was real? Wow, who knew? Luckily, we have talking heads at ANews to tell what to believe eventhough my own eyes didn't see people collapsing on the street, bodies piling up etc. ANews is just another media outlet. I did see people keeping 2 metres apart as if that's protection! Humans are easier to train than dogs. Humans make great pets,

dear oh dear
dear dear dear
covid 19, oh my
social distancing, dearest me
this won't do at all

More like, you didn't have long enough Covid state measures for you to end up in a nursery home due to being infected no matter your stupid habit of wearing a mask outside (lol) so that you and the residents become Covid death statistics for more special emergency funding by the government. Still, zoomer chumps dying along boomers would be one hell of a way of coming full circle!

"my own eyes didn't see people collapsing on the street" Therefore nobody died! Q proofed that jet fuel can't melt her emails! Wake up, sheeple!

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