Some meditations about anarchism and Islam

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anon (not verified)
Some meditations about anarchism and Islam

These ideas were raised in response to reading the article of

Firstly , what is Islam the writer is talking about , if it's the obsessions and hallucinations of Mohamad , Allah's last prophet . and a handful of his close followers , I would rather prefer those of mine , my own desires and hallucinations than anyone's else , but if I had to choose those of another person I prefer De Sade's to Mohamad's as they match more my temperament
I always thought that the tricks used by any group in order to become a herd , to integrate and indoctrinate its individuals into good herd members , should be very deep and clever , for in fact we know every wrongdoing and hypocrisy done by our nearest better than of those who we are told to hate without even knowing them in person ,,, We must be deprived of any human feelings . values or thinking in order to be good members of any herd
Let's now go to the duality of indigenous / settler - colonizer that constitute the core of Mohamad's article and discourse .. If we are to apply such concept on the middle east and north Africa per se , we'll easily discover that Muslims and Arabs play the role of the settlers - occupiers - colonizers here , while Copts , Berbers ( which means barbarians in Arabic , the word that Arab conquerors used to describe the indigenous people of north Africa ) , Assyrians , etc , play the role of indigenous people there . Till this moment and further till unknown future, Egyptian indigenous people , the Copts , are treated as a second hand citizens and this was further exaggerated by the ruling Arab nationalists like Naser ... Quick review of this area's history and present would tell us that Islam , Arab and Muslim societies , empires and states are not any equalitarian horizontal ones , there were and are hierarchical ones that are built on exploitation and inequality , hegemony and domination , including the Muslim and Arab supremacy ....
When the Arab spring erupted , I went back to "free" or "liberated" Syria , that is not controlled by Asad's army , to help rebuild the devastated country , for the first time I saw scores of "Syrians" and other Arabs and Muslims , European and American in fact , coming with enthusiasm with only one idea in their minds : to prove that our ( their ) societies and nations , are fit for the western democracy , and that Islam , the teaching of a single person happened to dictate the lives of billions for centuries , are compatible with modernity and democracy , human and women rights , etc ... I could then understand how these people should felt so bad while living in a more developed society while their "motherland" lives still in a backward state and almost totally dependent on the west technologically , scientifically and intellectually ... By the way , those liberators and defenders of our ( their ) nations came with their dollars and euros and were indulged and treated in the same special way as other white European and American tourists
I could then feel their urgent need for a democratic Islamist Arab supremacist , scientifically advanced middle east and north Africa , in order to fight their own ghosts and shames , but their efforts and "struggles" were in vain , were of no use to "their nations" , they just created more illusions , new ones added to the old ones , about nations , empires , states and herds , new defeats and more going around and around in the same vicious circle
I find it so stupid here to repeat the lessons of all empires , states , messiahs , religions , liberators and prophets etc , that none is really "liberatory" , "libertarian" , of any real use for human emancipation and liberation , on the contrary
I can understand the need of Zapatistas for the Mayan culture to say to the white supremacists that they also have history , something there they can be proud of , but I don't really think this is needed or helpful , by contrast , that is responsible for some dangerous illusions , that some empires are better than others ... I don't mean to deny the differences between empires , rulers , conquerors , just to say that all are equally dangerous and all are equal enemies when it comes to human liberation ... And most importantly , that all of us deserve to live freely as we like , regardless of the history of our actual or imagined ancestors or our nations or races or those of other's , and that is the real meaning of anarchy
This is not a direct response to Mohamad's article or any judgement or a verdict of any type , but some experiences and ideas I would like to share

Mazen Kamalmaz

anon (not verified)
This is great criticism I

This is great criticism I correlate to. The instance of native peoples of "Mexico" is sound, as even today you got an underlying worship of the Aztec and Zapotec kings of the Conquest era... but these regimes were blatant theocracies and got a record of human and other animal sacrifice that was only exagerrated by Xian colonizers, while all true. There was apparently a normalized carelessness for individual lives, that were subjected to the naturalist order, but through the priest/king ruler class.

Also some nasty reptilian/vampire shit with the monarchy I' d rather not get into ;) But all this stuff is proven by archeology. Sacrifice was all over the place in the ritualism of their politics.

Muslims and Xians have been bordering on this (the torture and sacrifice of heretics and witches is well-known), and maybe the only big difference they got with Mesoamerican native civilizations is that they didn't fully accept and express through their religious politics.

anon (not verified)
I was recently thinking of this in reference

To these kinds of struggles, in the US its derisively called "culture wars" at times:

"Mayan culture to say to the white supremacists that they also have history , something there they can be proud of , but I don't really think this is needed or helpful , by contrast , that is responsible for some dangerous illusions , that some empires are better than others ... "

There really isnt anything to be gained from pride, because the inverse is something like "carrying the cross", etc. It doesnt get more interesting with time.

I recently tried to read an english translation of the quran again, partially because AK press still has books that couple islam and anarchism...and i just had to put it down because its just a lot of repetitions. I thought it was interesting that the part of chopping the hands off thieves was more than some sort of american misinterpretation, or middle eastern misinterpretation of ancient texts!

If someone is threatening you with punishment repeatedly, its probably the opposite of anarchism, this goes for judaism and christianity as well.

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