Two anarchy related archives have reached their one year anniversary!

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anon (not verified)
Two anarchy related archives have reached their one year anniversary!

Steal This Wiki and The Library of Unconventional Lives have turned 1 year of age.

There's not much to report I don't think, just that I've enjoyed both archives existing as places I could digitize books that aren't explicitly anarchist, but that still have some value to me. So that I can download them, print them out and link them to people.

I'm excited about the prospect of there potentially being lots more hobby book publishers in the future.

Also, that various AmuseWiki archives can help people with the initial process of formatting texts into print-ready book PDFs.

Finally, that in having various AmuseWiki archives serving various niche interests, that people will more likely be able to find an AmuseWiki website to publish their writing on and so be able to run it through the bookbuilder feature:

Both domains have been renewed for another year anyways.

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