TOTW: The Narrative

"The primal chaos, Lord of all... the blind idiot god—Azathoth,"

A speaker in the spotlight, a whisperer in darkness.
Selling itself in aboveboard and underhanded ways,
whether by truth or lies, The Narrative is the same:
Authority is in control. The state, able to enforce its laws,
keeps order under the constant menace of anarchy.

A contrarian call-and-response is part of The Narrative.
Waiting on tenterhooks for the next official statement.
Critical thinking is delegated to fact-checkers,
official intermediaries who validate truth and facts.
Demanding truth from the state, as if it were its keeper.

That’s what THEY want you to think.
Misguided doubt devolves into paranoid conspiracy theories.
Ideologically tinted glasses color the entire landscape as enemy terrain.
Often featuring the state even more heavily in its narrative,
inflating the pervasiveness and insidiousness of its imaginary tentacles.
A powerless populace cowering under an omniscient Hydra.

Elsewhere, a tangled mess of a web of relations is neatly explained
by an academic mythology of all-powerful megamachines.
A genealogy of all-encompassing cosmic horrors;
Kyriarchy, Patriarchy, Civilization, Capitalism, State, Empire,
Global Supply-Chain, Military–Industrial Complex...

Authority is served well by illusions of being the true puppeteer of chaos,
in place of the underlying uknowing and unknowable acausal phenomena.
The Narrative connects-the-dots to trace its imaginary outline, like a constellation,
a beast projected onto asterims made up of disconnected astral bodies light years apart.

Planets were once perceived as errant wanderers before being locked into predictiable orbits by heliocentrism.
How can anarchists wrestle their focus away from the centrality of THE BIG BAD THING, and toward decentralized ungovernable chaotic good practices? Can anarchism escape the event horizon of The Narrative? How can anarchist foment and foster a multiplicity of stories instead of devoting itself to a revisionism of His-Story and addressing The Narrative? How can anecdotes highlight the statelessness in everyday experiences of worldly and otherworldly affairs?

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Planet earth about to be recycled

Hale Bopp Inbound


kill the pigs

yeah how about don’t just take those two words out of context. the full sentence “Misguided doubt devolves into paranoid conspiracy theories.” refers to how gullible people can nevertheless doubt the government’s official version, and then be mislead by a conspiracy theory like QAnon. how people can look at covid measures with skepticism but them also end up believing it’s some Great Reset conspiracy with chips in vaccines or whatever was their narrative.

ideas are supposed to explain peoples experiences of reality not just like describe some potentially true but totally unverifiable and unhelpful deconstructed lens to stare through and into

ideas are fed to people through propaganda and mass media and they use them to explain their reality in a way that is convenient for the status quo. and even engaging critically with these ideas makes them central and perpetuates them

Kyriarchy....its all connected brah.

"Planets were once perceived as errant wanderers before being locked into predictiable orbits by heliocentrism."

I think people who could spend time looking at the night sky never thought planets just moved around willy-nilly. only when the seeming retrograde movement appeared did they have a story of wandering.

real people are aware of cycles, patterns and the regular predictability (and irregular unpredictability) of what can be perceived on and from Earth.

it is only since the Christian era that some people believed in linearity and progress and end games, and had the power to impose this view on others.

my point being, cleanse the doors of perception to see the world as it is, infinite.

it's a play on the etymology of the word 'planet'
"So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun but not the Earth; modern scientific sense of "world that orbits a star" is from 1630s in English. The Greek word is an enlarged form of planes, planetos "who wanders around, wanderer," also "wandering star, planet," in medicine "unstable temperature."

yeah, but that's not even the point, it's about anarchists being made predictable (orbit) by their actions and thinking always revolving around the big bad thing (gravitational pull), whether it's some trendy crisis or the latest thing on the news cycle, or focusing too much on the state, vs their own positive alternatives, visions or projects

and yet my point is that it is a bad metaphor in that even if planets wandered compared to fixed stars they wandered predictably. anyone can perceive this by watching long enough.

the crises that are of importance are available to perception if only hands come off keyboards and into garden soil.

crises of importance are used to mobilize people in favor of the state, making it seem more necessary than ever. people mobilized by and for the state do all kinds of shit to soil. opposition often serves to make it seem like the only game in town, since the all activities seem to be oriented for or against it, instead of toward something else. anarchists can tend to gardens, but gardens become pathetic once the narrative is that they are weapons against the state. Do you have any fairy tales to accompany your garden, or are its flowers and fruits enough to entice your neighbors into anarchy?

I do have a fairy tale that accompanies my garden. The radical raccoons grow radical radishes and when they are eaten they realize that they can share the land and grow food together. in offgrid anarchist ecovillages and open the portal of possibilities with the anarkey.

“How can anarchists wrestle their focus away from the centrality of THE BIG BAD THING, and toward decentralized ungovernable chaotic good practices?”

By not making the news the go-to ice-breaker topic prompt for small talk or conversations.

“Can anarchism escape the event horizon of The Narrative?”

Let’s just say some never escape it but others are tooo faaar out maaan.

“How can anarchist foment and foster a multiplicity of stories instead of devoting itself to a revisionism of His-Story and addressing The Narrative? “

By not being so enamored with academia and flirting more with sharing diary entries, brief chronicles of trips or experiences, and stories of anecdotes with close people, not thinking of posting or publishing.

“How can anecdotes highlight the statelessness in everyday experiences of worldly and otherworldly affairs?”

Well, unless it’s an anecdote about going to the DMV, most things need not feature unnecessary rhetoric about an enemy that we can keep out of some of our private affairs, everyday experiences, or adventures. Although an anecdote about going to the DMV that somehow omits it might be comically surreal.

Sorry, UkWayneBot has been taken offline for updates to talking points. Look for its return as TaiWayneBot with an improved Large Language Narrative later on in the 2024 election cycle.

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