
Less is More book review

I recently listened to Jason Hickel’s book Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save The World while simultaneously skimming and underlining passages in a print copy. I made a prediction before I began reading/listening to the book: I guessed that I would agree with his justifications for why (if we wish to save the world and our species) we must abandon perpetual growth capitalism, but I assumed that I would disagree or find faults with his means for how to achieve this desired outcome. I was right, but maybe a little less right that I’d guessed.

Night Owls #3: Autumn Offensive

From It's Going Down

Diversity of tactics is a concept that has been used to break the hegemony of non-violence in social movements. The term can be understood as a shared principle that advocates respect and solidarity across different approaches with the aim of breaking down moralistic and ideological divisions. Tactics, however, are often confused with methods, leading to a dangerous misuse of the idea of diversity of tactics to advocate for tolerance of or collaboration with authoritarian, populist, or democratic initiatives

Libertarian Anticapitalism w/ Rad Geek

from Center for a Stateless Society

The Enragés: Libertarian Anticapitalism with Rad Geek

For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled "Libertarian Anticapitalism".

Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism, with an interest in intellectual and social history, and analytic philosophy.

On “Living Proof” and Anarchism

from Center for a Stateless Society

by N_u_l_l

If any message can be taken away from the above, it is that change doesn’t need to start as the loud roar of revolution, nor end as a whimper as seen in electoral politics: can be here, and it can be now. And in many ways, anarchist interactions are already here. People reciprocate all the time without use of a state, people trade without the use of a state, people create value without use of a state, people love and multiply without use of the state, so on and so forth.

The Mohawked Salamanders Burn Down the Salamander’s School

The Mohawked Salamanders Burn Down the Salamander’s School

From, original from Attaque in French
Why We Attacked the Zad
Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France)

The Zad was our pirate ship, the mother of all Zads. It emerged in a time with no way out and it was as if the world became a little more bearable. Like a brief glimmer of light, a possibility breaking through the thick, sticky fog of our future. For those of us who lead full and busy lives, off the beaten track, it was the knowledge that there would always be a place to welcome us if we were on the run. A place where the state would never come for us. A place where we would always find allies to feed us, to clothe us, to hide us in the folds of its hedges.

Ending Gun Violence by Defunding the Police

No, wait! What?!

from Center for a Stateless Society by Logan Marie Glitterbomb

Very rarely does a piece of legislation offer us a decent solution to the issues it claims to address, but this seems like one of those rare times. So please, contact your congresscritters and pressure them into voting yes on the Break the Cycle of Violence Act.

Is “Anarchy” Inherent to Anarchism?

anarchism is like an asymptote

from Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchism, for a lot of people who are not affiliated with it or don’t bother reading political theory, can be quite hard to talk about in a sufficiently nuanced manner. For example: here we will discuss the difference between anarchy and anarchism, which is bigger than you might think.

The Fight for Partial Freedom in Vietnam

Celebration at the iSee LGBT event

from Mèo Mun's blog

Western leftists, communists, and anarchists alike routinely call for “unity” with the authoritarian oppressors in their favourite “socialist” states. They value a cheap, doom to end in failure unity with the statists, the genocide deniers, the red fascists, more than the well-being and liberation of marginalised groups.

Tensions with reformism in the midst of rioting in Chile

From Anarchists Worldwide


That is why, unlike those who claim that society is a victim of the implacable power of the State, we remain in affinity with our comrades who, throughout history, have shown the symbiotic and inseparable relationship between State and Society, revealing the very complicity of citizens in their own domination and that of other individuals.

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