
Newsletter Autistici / Inventati – 2021

not all internet is created equal, still civ tho

from cavallete

We’re astonished at the proliferation of ridiculous distortions of the imaginary of the Net like crypto-coins and NFTs, or vaporware ideas like Web3 and the metaverse. Speculations that demonstrate how capitalism is the underlying issue, infiltrating our lives, replicating its disfunctionalities. But this greed is built on nothing. Through all this, we keep offering tools to those who want to fight, those who are not resigned, who want to resist, and who want to build something.

Welcome to the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair!

virtual anarchist bookfair

from https://victoriaanarchistbookfair.ca/

In 2021, due to the worldwide pandemic, the Anarchist Bookfair Collective has decided to host an online Bookfair. Working with the podcasting radio collective From Embers (visit them here: https://fromembers.libsyn.com) we will be producing a series of interviews covering such issues as Indigenous anarchism; anarchist perspectives on Afghanistan; activism against prisons; policing the police; defending old growth forests, anarchism and the arts, and more!.

We expect to launch the 2021 Victoria Anarchist Bookfair on-line in early October. Stay tuned!

To (try to) keep the cops at bay

"The shadows belong to us." is a corny-ass way to end a basic-ass list of tips.

from Counter-surveillance resource center

On the one hand: what is possible despite the intensive surveillance and forensic capabilities? On the other hand, what are the gaps where they have not yet succeeded in developing or testing their repressive methods? We fight out of desire and longing, we must want to challenge ourselves and their repression, otherwise there is no point in fighting. The enemy cannot be everywhere all the time. The shadows belong to us.

Workshop: Constructing Anarchisms

from Libertarian Labybrinth

This online workshop combines elements of a traditionally structured survey course and a vehicle for self-study. In some ways, it will resemble a year’s worth of office hours as much as a yearlong seminar. The goal is to make the basic experience—an extended practical crash-course in thinking about anarchist theory and history—available to as many potential participants as possible. It has been constructed with busy people in mind and should be able to carry on despite some ebb and flow in participation

Ross Ulbricht and the Courage to Break the Law

via Center for a Stateless Society

hiS LAwYeRS SaY tHey wILl trY to aPPeaL. tHE CHARGES for wHICH uLbRiCHt wILL LIkelY spEND his liFE iN PRiSon AlL CeNter aRoUND ThE sIlK ROad mARketPlacE, wHiCh aLLoWEd uSErS to PeacEFULLY TRaDE iLLEgaL druGs OVer THe INTeRnet. tHouGH hE aDmITTED TO OrIGINALlY CReATing thE SITE, ulBricHt hAS mAINtAiNed That HE qUiCKLy handeD IT OFF to oThErs. RatHeR Than dWElliNG oN tHE dETaIlS OF The case, tHOuGh, I wAnt TO FOCuS on soMethInG elsE – rOsS uLbRICht is A hEro, WORTHy of Our praisE, wHosE vIRtueS WE OUGhT To cuLtIVATE IN oUrsELvES. he DesERves our respecT foR hIs CoURage TO BreaK the LAw.

TOTW: An anarchist's day in 2020

I've been finding myself with little excitement about my day to day these past couple months (years). Get up slowly, check my phone, eat, hop on the computer, exercise, social activity, eat, kill time, sleep. Maybe this is an abnormal schedule but it seems to be quite standard at least for those around me.

Routine is a useful tool for surviving in the world, but I don't need to tell you that it can feel incredibly constricting.

The Internet was always anarchist...

Center for a Stateless Society

by Tech Learning Collective

The Internet was always anarchist, so anarchists must learn to become responsible for operating it

The fundamental tenet of anarchism is the resistance to an Archos, Greek for “master.” To advocate for anarchism is to position oneself in opposition to a master, i.e., to claim the fundamental right of self-determination, autonomy, and freedom from a centralized system of (especially coercive) control. To act anarchically simply means to act independently of a master. It does not mean acting in an uncoordinated or unorganized fashion, nor does it always mean a total absence of layered responsibilities, more commonly known as “hierarchy.”

A "see you later", or maybe a goodbye...

little girl and boy hugging each other

From Voz como arma

Hello to all.

For some time now, we have been internally questioning the real usefulness of this blog for social movements, or revolutionaries, in our environment and beyond. We have tried to revise which were really our contributions to the fight and which, on the other hand, only contributed to the spectacle, the folklore, and a purely aesthetic radicalism. We have wanted to look back, see the changes in the news and materials, the drifts we had taken, a little driven by our own criteria, but also by fluctuations in the type of content that came to us. Through this exercise, we realized that we also had another need. It had to do with the way in which certain movements or spaces of struggle perceived us and did or did not count on us as a space for dissemination of their initiatives, calls, projects or reflections. And this, in turn, led us to the situation we have now.

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