What anarchist are you

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anon (not verified)
What anarchist are you

IM post leftist

I'm a whatever-helps

I'm a whatever-helps-anarchist, so not a post leftist:

Why I think anarchists should not abandon all left-wing mass movements

anon (not verified)
Based. Ralph really didn't

Based. Ralph really didn't let life get him down despite parental neglect. Also, he inspired people to rethink their cruelty by just spitting truth regardless of how he'd be perceived.

anon (not verified)
The point of postmodernism

is that divergent subjectivities are mutually incomprehensible. there is no future in lassoing libs in to bring their lib ideas into mutual aid; that will just create lib mutual aid, as can be witnessed in towns across the world. modernists and their illusions of steady "progress" forget that that progress *IS FUNDAMENTALLY PREDICATED* on the slavery of others, the enclosure of commons, the extinction of subsistence ways of life, the dispossession and dehumanization of people who don't fit the enlightenment ideals. more humanism ==more dehumanization. By endorsing gradual intentional changes "for the better," are you endorsing a more stable and pretty facade in front of the slavery and genocide? are you shaking out as a modernist? do you believe in harmful effects stemming from good intentions?

I'm here to claim that lib, republican, and fash are all on a shared spectrum of control where they are stuck in fear of the fact that people are independentish actors who do things. Leaving behind the logic of civilization and enlightenment means accepting that this universe is a thoroughly uncertain and absurd place, and that attempts to control or regulate it are only the personal folly of their advocates. If you want to step off of that spectrum of "there are appropriate coercive/repressive consequences to meet certain antisocial behaviors" you have to give up on the idea of influencing people or movement building. people can learn and change, yes they can, but it doesn't come through the intentional urging/teaching/manipulations of external others.

anon (not verified)
I like you comment. I am a

I like you comment. I am a post-modernist. This part has me craving more from you:

"people can learn and change, yes they can, but it doesn't come through the intentional urging/teaching/manipulations of external others."

Where does it come from? Unintentional happenstance? The contemplative internal "self"?

Do expand on this.

anon (not verified)
It strikes me that there

It strikes me that there might be a bit of absurdity, a bit of wu wei, a bit of personal experience and personal lens and self reflection in a process of change. as a result of the nature of subjectivity i like to separate justifications from reasons, where justifications are what people or institutions use within their subjectivities to explain/justify their actions to themselves, and reasons are the physical/concrete factors of cause and effect that create the universe as it is. (some may take objection to the notion of an objective, non perceptual universe, but i'm on the fence and not really interested in debating that idea atm) Let's also break people down into worldview (what their observations mean to them), value system (how they value or prioritize things and whether they do this with consistency absurdity or irrationality), and actions (how worldview and values are internalized and enacted--walking the talk, which is difficult/impossible enough as is)

Sometimes it seems to me that a new experience that is challenging to the participant(s) can facilitate a (partial) alteration to their worldview, but this is contingent on many factors: them making a thorough self reflection on how the experience intersects with their worldview, their desire to integrate the new concepts into a new, cohesive worldview, their ability to apply various perspectives to the observations (greatly facilitated by having others to discuss with, but can also be held back by groupthink/echo chamber/subculture conformity, etc), their ability to apply the worldview reflections to reformat their value system and purge the old obsolete values (again aided by friendly collaborators) and finally, their practice and gradual process of learning the full set of implications of these worldview and value changes through their implementation over a long term and in a variety of contexts (friends can help you practice).

So while external stimuli and other people's facilitation are involved, the bulk of the processes of individual change occur within individuals and are reliant on their participation and willingness, their ability to critically reflect, their ability to translate thoughts and ideas into actions. this is why they say it's a continuous process, because thoughts->actions is not trivial, and new challenges and perspectives keep coming in that need to be assessed and reflected, and even an unbiased (low-bias?) assessment of foreign ideas is a big ask.

Deleuze's control society and foucalt's biopower have many factors at play suppressing and destroying these changes at all points in the process: dualistic thinking learned in school, home, church, subculture etc shuts down the initial reflection before/as it occurs (ever been on reddit? or this site for that matter). rigid moralities create no-go zones that prevent the adoption of specific values by specific people, even if they do the reflection. hypocrisy and competing incentives such as "financial responsibility" and comfort encourage logically inconsistent behaviors, many people contain the kernels of values new to them but do not intentionally adapt their overall value framework into a self-coherent one or don't begin to try the resulting actions. the spectacle and the suck of wage labor distract/interrupt at every turn. And finally, practice itself is a super complex process that requires LONG times of experience in various contexts and implementations, and disciplinary forces in control society catch up to and shut down uncivil people attempting certain new practices faster than those practices can blossom. the farther some people learn their subjectivities away from civilized society, the more unintelligible they become to civilized people and the more difficult exchange becomes...

the feedback loops and the number of failure modes lead me to sum it up as absurd--that a project of species-change is impracticable. prep to scratch seeds out of dust if you like eating :)

Pessimistic Maggot (not verified)
There is no self. There is no

There is no self. There is no there.
No consciousness develops out of a bubble. Collision is ever present.
The absurd yawns constantly.
Seek momentary rests between sufferings.
We are all simply seeds. We are all destined to be dust.
All preps and projects lead to this.

anon (not verified)
ya i bet you love endings

ya i bet you love endings just as much as beginnings and the interim suffering you asshole motherfucker. thank you/fuck you for correcting/agreeing with my bullshit attempt to fit logic where it doesn't apply. you're the dust i'm chewing and the seeds i shit out. i prep for a yawn when an absurd liberal hears you reap the results of this wisdom. we're relating, huh?
love you/fuck you <3

oh wait, in less poetic terms: my fav thing about you and i is that our words prove themselves to ourselves and disprove themselves to everyone else prima facie. this juxtapose is the most beautiful thing i know. you are the most beautiful thing i know.

anon (not verified)
Consider your end-of-the

Consider your end-of-the-world moist orgy invitation revoked.

anon (not verified)
thanks. i make my own orgies

thanks. i make my own orgies ya avoidant prick.
quit dodging and kiss me, you can't avoid my lasso forever. i know you're into self deprecation you fucking coward can't even save the world

anon (not verified)
i’m the black power ranger

i’m the black power ranger

William Gillis (not verified)
I am a second generation

I am a second generation anarchist, transhuman-anarchist individualist, non-Stirnerian egoist full stack developer, and Jedi Master of the Portland Jedi Order. I developed the St. Paul Principles of proper anarchist unity and used to be a primitivist padawan until I could read the Matrix and accepted my role as the One. My dojo is strong.
Yes, I was there.

anon (not verified)
I'm a dumpster-poutinist bike

I'm a dumpster-poutinist bike assault anarcho-nihilist maniac who started his Own franchise of professional internet commenting. Nowadays I enjoy time looking at the amazing sunset of the beautiful South Pacific beaches, sighing loud about all the NA hipster edgelords who achieve SO MUCH the last few years with the sheer power of smug and invitation-only gatherings. Thank you.

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