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It's also partly because anarchists still box people in with ridiculous ideological terms like 'heteronormative' that they don't identify with our ideas. Not to mention that all of these sorts of liberal, identitarian, confining, academic terms have an implicit moralizing judgement contained within them. They aren't even as useful or accurate as many Marxist terms, which for the most part, at least, relate to structural categories within society, (and I loathe just about everything Marxist.) Inspire people with dreams of a commons and of sensual lives, don't implicitly blame them for civilization.

Also, if we don't care about mass upheaval, then we don't care about 'popular image' either. We just get together with like minded people and do our best to break free during our lives (in captivity).

However if we do care about creating movements that have widespread energy, then we need to stop thinking of people as 'cis', 'heteronormative', 'binary', 'non-binary', 'trans',. Because you know what, we are generally all more complex and fluid and organic than that. There are probably millions of Trump supporters who are queer as fuck in the bedroom. And there are groups like 'transwomen for Trump". Those kinds of words become trendy really quick and just as quickly, one day, become outdated. Also those identity words prevent ongoing self-creation from the get go.

The coming wars will be between caricatures of Right and Left, rather than between rulers and ruled, or between owning and dispossessed classes or between freedom lovers and authoritarians, and anarchists will have played a role in exacerbating that. Lets talk to people, like our neighbours, as individuals, about getting together in self-interest for a more imaginative and interesting and less stressful life and get off our high horses...