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there is no "heteronormative majority". It is all in your head. There are normies, masses of normies... and they may disguise themselves as "non-heteronormative" just to hide the fact they're really just getting with the program for anything else than their sexual preferences.

Also your id pols have VASTLY overrated sexual identity, a notion that shouldn't even exist according to radical queer theory. There's just a bunch of sexual preferences... that are more or less in flux form one person to the next. Many people feel very unattracted by their same sex, and that doesn't make them "normative"; just like you got plenty of people who're into same-sex intercourse that are championing conformity like no other.

In other words, you are socially normative or you aren't. It's hardly related to sex. It's a lot more about the group vs individual dynamics.

THEN.. what do you know of what the normies think of "anarchists"? And in which social context... at what socio-democraphic scale... or in which milieu?

I'd be very curious on how they see/define anarchists, if they got any notion whatsoever. Plus I'm sure a lot of people don't even know/care about these political paradigms. They just work-eat-fuck-sleep and look at a screen for hours, and that's it.

But conducting a kind of survey in your area/milieu or over the entire internets on anarchists according to all the non-identifying-as-anarchists MIGHT be an interesting way to approach them on the subject.