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to say that anarchists are similar to right wingers in terms of an ability to talk frankly about violence does not "vindicate" right wingers if that's what you're going for. It's just a basic fact: leftists and liberals typically do not want to talk about violence at all, or atleast talk about it in a different way. Anarchists are more similar to leftists and liberals because they have more of an issue with hierarchy and bullying, which is something that far-right wingers love.

What i was trying to say about fear is not any different from what you said about it, right wingers respond to fear by giving into it and making it a target of anger and hatred and try not to question it. It's easy for people with right wing points of view to do this because most people are racist.

It's really fucked up in my opinion, and says a lot about the poverty of anarchists, to say that just because i don't think people are really that different from each other (even if they are never the same), is "hippy", across the course of my life i've noticed a lot of people respond the same way to a lot of different things. Having experiences does not make you this "pathetic pacifistic drug user liberal faggot" in your eyes!