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Alright ya little blowhard jackass, let's play. I'm bored anyways lol

What do you think the original concept of the so called "divine right of kings" even was?

You know, the ancient "law" of might that gave rise to monarchy? Which led to the Magna Carta, which lead to the rule of the booj because they wanted to share power with the throne? Which lead to all modern revolutionary theory? Where you get your whole edgy little lexicon from? You know?

(Eurocentric alert!!! I'm oversimplifying)

Anyway, it was the self-declared right to kill whoever. That's what the OG hierarchy is all about. Who gets the monopoly on life and death? Why would your homicidal tendencies be any better or different? I mean, you already seem like a total asshole and you don't even have any real power yet.