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as a non-nihilist -- or perhaps as an extreme skeptic toward nihilism -- it seems to me that most of the stupid definitions and meanings attributed to nihilism derive from people who are hostile to the concept. it's like trying to understand anarchism by reading marxist analyses; it's far more rewarding to go to the sources. while i am extremely skeptical of nihilism, mostly due to the ironic hipster elitist disconnection from social life in general and social struggles in particular by its most visible and noisy north american adherents, what i like about nihilism as a concept is that i see it as a tendency with a continuum rather than as a discrete set of ideas. with that said, it would be great if some more articulate proponents would get their ideas out there. i know they exist. c'mon nihilists! a little more effort if you want to avoid even more damaging caricatures!