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Just because someone sees some useful things in the ideas of someone like Nick Land does not mean they are perennially in league with those ideas. I can remember Fendersen(a fairly wild and poetic post-leftist from back in the day) back in the mid-late 00s dropping some quotes from Land back in the day simply because there was useful things to play with. Him along with Dupont and those radical tendencies have also looked into some of those ideas and THEY are OBVIOUSLY not fascists.

You really don't know how to take on ideas do you. Usually all ideational extremities have some good ideas to play with at least marginally. You don't think brighter parts of altright and other reactionary tendencies(young reactionaries ect) aren't reading radical figures like Deleuze and Guattari. If you restrict your ideas to just people who you share sensibilities with then your worldview will die in due time.