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take 1: conflict is just bouncy balls

take 2: popular corny self-defense youtube channels and martial arts classes tell you to learn to avoid (types of) conflict, while avoidant behavior (it can become excessive) as a coping mechanism is pathologized.
you must engage in conflict, it's required of you.

take 3: it's a dog eat dog world maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

take 4: we need fewer criminals and more crimes. less boys and girls who like to play soldiers, and more well-aimed shots at tastefully acquired targets.

take 5: conflict resolution, group therapy, non-violent communication

take: a chill pill maaaaaaaaaan (p.420)

take 69: wu wei be like water or something

taaaaaake ooooooon meeeeeeee: take ON me. taaaaaaaake meeeeeee ooooooooooon

take 666: the world is a struggle between GOOD and EVIL! Which side are you on?!!!!! Are you on the right side of history?!!!