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I am conflicted and conflictual. It seems almost everything on this planet has an innate sense for some superposition of relationship and spirit which is impoverished by a materialist bias.

It's gnarly an individual would allow a cultural bias to impoverish their relationships. It is gut-wrenching individuals are brutalised into sacrificing their relationships with a multitude for chance, for taboo, for jeopardy, for love.

I am in conflict with the peaceable. I defy allowing myself becoming atomised toward loneliness because those around me disallow themselves from accepting the ghosts of their parameters. Fight! I resist constraining my dreams toward monogamy out of fear of alienation. Cheat! I will not subsume myself into being rebuffed, negated, and excluded merely for the crumbs of "How are you?" "I'm okay." "Same time tomorrow?" Weirdo!

I am in conflict because I refuse to let my spirit starve. I am attacking because I am unaccepting. Acne never had a chance. The insurrection is implicit. My address book is full of poetry. The fucking revolution can eat my fucking arse.