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Is that this is my position on anti-fascism. In my view there is not even a need for a marginal anti-position on fascism as that is already covered by anti-authority-hierarchy and state.

Zionism on the other hand is a bit more complicated due to it's partial radical history and it's espoused post-holocaust legitimacy. One need only also look at what happened to Jeremy Corbyn recently, now as you niggas know I don't give a fuck about JC and am not sad to see him go. Some of his associates include people who think 1989-91 was a terrible time(it wasn't). That being said the antisemitism charges against him were nonsensical and indicative of the marginal and perhaps structural reach that zionism has in shaping sub-radical and even radical debate on Isreal. For these reasons I do think you need a strong but anarchist distilled marginal anti-zionism. When you see a state that has similarities to Nazi Germany you call it out and bat a way any rhetorical defense mechanism that state uses. The anti-german cunts who read too much Postone come to mind.

So yeah, in closing. A clear concise anti-zionism but without the pro-Palestinian statist anti-imperialist nonsense.