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It is certaily possible to include hyperlinks to content on an unsafe site (e.g Google/Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) without loading that site when the page containing the links loads. If you don't know how your content management software handles links, test them and ensure that no attempt is made on loading the main page with a default (unprotected) browser to contact any server other than your own.

A plain HTML hyperlink should do nothing until it is clicked, unless your content management system converts it to something else. This should be the case both with and without the browser permitting unrestricted javascript. You do NOT want Google, Facebook, and Twitter getting server logs every time someone reads your site or any article on it (without clicking links), as this makes not storing IP address logs yourself an ineffective defense.

If you cannot prevent this (as is the case with some hyperlinks when put in a Wordpress site, then break the links by replacing the "." with "(dot)" and a note that the links are broken for security reasons.