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yes @news is an echo chamber for a narrow set of ideas, and those ideas are actually enforced through trolling and content deletion.

I see you're trying to turn this into a "oh, Taoist just doesn't like it when people disagree with him", which is very clever, because it's the type of thing that people tend to rally behind. Also for whatever reason my latest response got deleted even though all the really stupid posts above stayed up. So my shit-posting can be labeled as racist, and then when i call the people who said it stupid that is eligible for deletion? Just sayin', so people have insulted me directly on here, and the comments were allowed to stay up.

No, eco-extremism is not an "indigenous trend", and that much is very obvious. It's more or less co-opting the recordings of anthropologists to make a new ideology that comes straight out of the green-leaning [green-washed] subsection of the anarchist culture.

If I get mad, then that is a genuine wild reaction, and has nothing to do with any of their antics, and the same thing is true for actual serial killers and psychopaths. You seem to missing the real reason that any of that stuff was published, and the reason why it's good that it WAS published.

And you also seem to be forgetting about the fact that it is most likely an attempt to "troll the left-wing/humanist anarchists".