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completely, in this last comment, but my original critique was an anon who said that EE is "indigenous". And i was just saying that it's not, to me the main thing i admire about "the indigenous" is that they depended completely on the cruelty of this world we live in: disease, death, name it! Short and sweet, whereas everyone now adays seems to be a fucking safety control freak! Now adays, if you don't live to 80 yo...what a tragedy! How HORRIBLE! Says something about their character!

I like the EE critique of human beings overall, even though it also has problems. The biggest one is making a big deal over how pitiful we are. To me, the biggest problem with the human race IS THEY ARE NOT PITIFUL, they're taking up too much fucking space, i would hit the button that kills everyone including me, i guess depending on the delivery of the person who was asking me to press it. However, EEs seem to lament the fact that human beings are NOT pitiful, that we're very close to destroying and domesticating every single other variant of "life" on this planet.

However, if you know some other way of life than living a "double life" and going to jail in light of this, then TAKE IT, because clearly the great earth mother does not give a shit about you and your first world problems, ahahahhaa!

You are the great earth mother, and fuck anyone else who says otherwise.