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"it started in Mexico.. with you know Native/indigenous peoples"

according to the eco-extremists, it began with the call of the wild, the wild urge to strike down the pathetic human! The last possible form of rebellion against civilization, the only true form of egoism!

how the fuck would i have a high level of knowledge about people who purposely hide their identity and take claim for murders that don't even exist? I feel that anarchists seem to be so fucking full of themselves, just cuz you read something in a book doesn't mean it happened, and just because someone invents a construct and attaches some rhetoric to it doesn't mean i should give a flying fuck about it.

Also, yeah i'm aware that ITS originated in Mexico, but were they the ones who coined the term "eco-extremism"? I don't know, i admit that. How the fuck would you even pretend to know that they are indigenous or not? Are you really that much of a liberal snowflake that you are still upset about me saying that EE is not indigenous? Stop believing every damn thing you read.