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good response, bellamy.

i find it mind boggling how many supposedly critical thinkers cannot wrap their heads around the idea that you can take what makes sense from *any* ideas/books/people/etc, without being a supporter of - or adherent to - some overarching ideology held or promoted by them at any point in time. take what you like and leave the rest, has always been my take on that. i seriously don't get it.

and any so-called anarchist that cannot grok the concept of free/voluntary association/disassociation is lacking some fundamental understanding of anarchy. the attempt to dominate natural resources (including land) will not likely go away even with a massive reduction in both human population and the scale of human social groupings. that level of competition exists at every level of life, even when there is also "cooperation" and symbiotic relating. conflict will not go away; hopefully, the way humans deal with conflict will change without overarching institutions of domination and (thought) control.