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Dude.. you're asking me to become a city planner and remake those awfully-organized big cities. Of course if I'd have that power instead of it being thrown away to a bunch of normie yes men -who just wanna have nicer condos for themselves, and maybe a yacht, who knows?- I'd design you some AWESOOOME big vertical city with a choice of tropical cascading forests inside skycrapers, high-altitude grid rooftop gardens connecting skyscrapers, underground methane plants producing gas out of people's shit and what else. And spaceships n flying cars n more willie gillie shit.

Or... I may as well reduce global population to 50 millions and find a way to remove all the concrete and asphalt everywhere and clean up all the pollution... BUT, no I ain't some socialist or eco-socialist governance.

Ooor... anti-civ. Bring down civilization gradually and from within, while still surfing on the waves of consumerism while they're still there.

On the other hand, the job I'm doing right now is BAD. Not for myself... it gets me a pretty good paycheck while having the shifts I want, and I get more respect from randos than if I was wearing a tie, including the sex appeal. Neither for those paying me for a bit of yuppie luxury bullshit. It's bad, because it's blatantly bolstering the food industry while keeping people isolated in their homes. Do I have to become a L33T hacker in order to be able to do that? Or isn't there a way to thwart the food supply at its root, instead? The secret's not exactly to really begin, but WHERE to begin.

So anticiv may not be that easy, if you want it to be more than a consciousness and sensibility. Not saying it isn't worth, but...

Provide with a strategy, please.