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You sound straight up like a regurgitated IDG article. You can have your own understanding of free speech and not be a liberal. They literally address that in the podcast explicitly by defining their own terms. My experience with antifa shutdowns of alt right events generally involves a small number of white supremacist weenies cowering around in a room for a poorly attended talk or meeting. I understand the need for self defense and I believe some situations require violence. I don’t know if it feels anarchist to me to club people for spouting different beliefs. If they burst into your meetings which they do because it’s a two way street feel free to fight back. Largely I think the alt right has been emboldened by leftism and cancel culture. While their politics may inevitably aid real white supremacists most alt right people are just conservative trolls. It’s stupid to shade them all as nazis because it’s the same as when they call their opposition communists. It really is all team sports!