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"i think the task for anarchists is to destroy society, not reorganize it"

I just hope you understand the vast load of complexity this implies.

Given how people tend to be focused on over-specific struggles and interests... Well I'd like all of our genius anarchist intellectual to rather focus on building up a strategy in that direction. Currently, there's been none, beyond the anti-developmental paradigm.

How to destroy "society"? You're talking about something existent yet non-existing. You're talking about something as invisible and intangible as relations and how they are structured, and systematized. I look at the young happy migrant families in my hood, all with cars and jobs, and seeking better, more prosperous futures for their kids... they, too, are actively reproducing "society". How to make them understand, as a White settler who got a full lifetime unrevocable citizenship just because I was born here?

I used to be fighting sprawls. Then I found a battle front I couldn't fight. An old-growth forest.. slowly destroyed by a sprawl of cheap housing for (mostly) migrants and "prole" students. I ain't making that up.

The only potential way to approach this, is perhaps by seeing the entirety of "society" as overall wrong. But what's up with you? Will you live as a hypocrite, forever despising what you take part in? Or go live on your own in the forest, with all the isolation that means?

As Nietzsche said correctly, churches are built on the ruins of others. This is how humans are. They can't just go around destroying stuff; IT DOESN'T FEED YOU, neither get you friends, a life, or whatev. They need solutions in the place of what they despise.

Or else, they just fold back to the old world, or a "better", renewed, updated version of it, like the zoomers have been doing. Having been through several uprisings with a nihilistic character, I can testify that's what happens. Every time. Most people cling to routines and patterns as their mental and moral compass. If you ain't got nothing better to offer, they'll just look back to whatever the "Existent" has to offer to them...