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The narcissism lies only in the belief that all that matters is your beautiful UNHINGED undomesticated ego that shall not be encompassed by any imperative... save some paradoxical notion of "future generations", or maybe Climate Change for some reason. Of course we are all egoists but also able to go beyond the self as we create things that are bigger than this "speck of dust".

Narcissists don't care about the "future generations". Why you believe such frivolities, my lad? Not sure I still can afford to care about the future generations, but maybe.

We bring solutions for ourselves... then if it works, allow for these solutions to expand by being shared with others. See... it's like parties... they can be cool just with a few friends in an enclosed space but we all know open houses or wild dance parties are way more fun. Or like copyleft Vs copyright... If squats would have been private they would have never become this kind of autonomous practice. Nothing to do with narcissism, on the contrary...