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It is nice to see a couple of readers agreeing with me. For the others, there is no attempt to deal with my topics (for example, how to relate to the "libertarian" or the "democratic socialist" movements). iwillbiteandclaw even illustrates my point by writing, "there was something about the beliefs of marx and engels that made it all too easy to turn into a state capitalist dictatorship over and over again." But I had already pointed out that the anarchist-socialists had made such arguments against the state socialists (such as M&E) in their time--well before Marxism produced state capitalism in real life! Which is precisely why it is worthwhile looking at their criticisms of state socialism.

My opponents' main point is that I cited "old", historical, evidence that anarchists have always seen themselves as some sort of socialist. These critics see no reason to learn from past anarchists, to "stand on the shoulders of giants," but prefer to reinvent the wheel in our timel. Despite the failure of anarchism (and socialism in general) to prevent capitalism from bringing humanity to its present dangerous situation, these critics do not wish to learn from past successes and failures. Of course this lack of interest in theory or history is typical of "American" culture ("History is bunk," said Henry Ford).

Why do they bother to call themselves "anarchists" anyway? Maybe they think it sounds romantic? Yet they do not care to find out what the anarchist tradition is. Of course, it is a semi-free country and they can define "anarchism" anyway they want to, just as reactionaries can describe "libertarian" as meaning pro-capitalism. But it doesn't lead to any understanding of what you are or what you are doing.

The other main argument is that this historical and theoretical stuff is so "boring." But I am not interested in entertaining anyone. I am interested in working out a program of action to fight capitalism, the state, patriarchy, racism, and ecological disaster. If you want the honor of calling yourself an anarchist, but otherwise find this stuff all too boring....tough.