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"these libertarian Marxists do not explicitly reject the authoritarian, statist, side of Marx." This is an overreach, Read Cleaver's work on Kropotkin, Marx and Self-Valorization as one example. Yes, Wayne, everyone knows you know lots about the Forest-Johnson folks and their Leninist leanings. This book was written more than a half century since they disbanded and decades since you were doing Trotsky study groups. New arguments shouldn't simply be shoved into old perspectives.

Also, this review is terrible. If the objective was to review a book, the author failed miserably. This is a review of a thinker, and secondarily a review of a tradition and a general anarchist response to the matter of whether the working class is typically in rebellion and if Cleaver, in general, is too optimistic. It is not a review of a specific book. A review of a book would have engaged specific parts of the volume, specific arguments and assessments of real-life situations discussed within it. Instead, the author makes generalizations and writes a polemical critique that's been said and rehashed countless times. Anarchists can do better than dogmatic rehashings from the days after Empire was released.