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Hurley is usually good at translating but the latest IC text has a couple of pretty stupid translations. He has “Far West” when it should be Wild West, and the graffito “50 nuances de bris”’is clearly a French pun on the execrable novel and film “50 Shades of Gray.” The rhyme works in French (gray = gris), but Hurley totally fucks it up with 50 Nuances of Breakage, which makes absolutely no sense in English. It’s inconceivable that he didn’t figure out the original reference in the graffito; is he starting to go senile? Anyway, if anyone at the English publisher had bothered to check on the translation they’d probably have figured out that it should’ve been 50 Shades — not “nuances” — and would’ve possibly insisted on a suitable pun (hopeful with a rhyme) in the English. Like 50 Shades of Brea(kage) but better.