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My thoughts swing from, on the one hand, humans / humanity will learn nothing from this huge opportunity and the vast majority will claw frantically to get back to normal, to on the other hand, enough will take this opportunity to shift our behavior toward a livable planet for all beings.

What anarchists can do is finally realize most people are not anarchists. I know a certain troll on here is always talking about the insularity of anarchists, but it is true. We won't change anything without our non-anarchist neighbors. And I don't mean we have to turn them into anarchists, I mean the person down the street who knows how to repair plumbing or has a garden or whatever, we may want to learn how to coexist with them.

If our calls for rent strikes and such are to be successful we need more than just our @ crowd involved.

I don't think we can all just get along, but we may want to start to learn how to not get along without killing each other.

I mean, if I had a choice.