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You're... sort of floating in a snowglobe of assertions there. No judgement tho, I do the same!

Where to start?

Every identity that's antagonistic to capitalism is still an identity so you must be talking about liberal forms of identity, which are willfully blind to the real problem, right?

Banks don't have to be racist but apparently they've been deployed very successfully that way for centuries, or maybe forever. Perhaps the tool can't escape the user, eh? Why bother insisting that I could theoretically use an assault rifle to hunt deer?

In general, I think you want clear Marxist definitions and to rant about IdPol but those are just your preferences for understanding that stuff.

I'm definitely not arguing for a "colourblind society" run by banks, only saying that if an institution is openly racist for centuries, we can safely say it's a racist institution, whether or not it could theoretically do something else.