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the IWPA is the same international as before. Still the "Internationale Arbeiter Association", the german section of the jurassic federation (already declined). There was never a 2nd international. There was only a new section after most of the germans and austrians had to leave there birthland for america. This "IWPA" was also still clandestinely active in germany (but obviously not as IWPA). But still: The IWPA was not syndicalist. Also not anarchists. And still there was anarchists and syndicalists in it, maybe even marxists, who knows.
But around 1883 most of the "german" anarchists in europe and soon later also in the US. would stop using formal organisation and party-like organisations. They would organize in totally autonomous groups. Only the groups around "Johann Most", which were maybe the most backward, would stay in this logic and maybe later become syndicalists (at least some).