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The latter part of this Bakunin quote is the most salient principle that brought me to anarchy. Beyond just a culture of refusal or negation of external regulations, the "higher" form of anarchism involves a rational tabula rasa, or epistemological nihilism, which puts into question any claim regardless of who produces them, and the "consensus" of people supporting them. This may be putting us too close to conspiracy theorists for their claimed rejection of all consensus coming from "above", yet that doesn't invalidate the method.

While there is rational consensus based on p2p fact-checking in scientific research -and any modern science cannot hold together without (1) a core peer review process and (2) an open access of the data which allows everyone to verify shit on their own- science has evolved as a language and a social relationship that grow bigger than the research process in itself. That was unintended on the part of most scientists in history, and more due to academia becoming an increasingly exclusive and profitable business.

Like, it takes a degree in biology -which like in economics consists mostly in the acquisition of a language, beyond the math- to really understand what is the novel Covid-19, how it works and especially why it went so big. What are the N and S proteins... what is are the ACE2 receptors.. how does it interact with the body's immune responses... Is this a weird synthetic virus like some are claiming or is this just a bat virus that for some reason leaked out of a lab?

So expertise exists due to the arcane language of which unassumed purpose is to exclude the laymen from understanding what's happening, or in other words, a hierarchy -a "rule by the secret"- where the language and math are being used to maintain a pyramid of knowledge and its relate knowledgeable people (the "experts").

Hence, the role of the anarchist in this context would be yet again the same old deal... breaking shit open for everyone to be able to read it, beyond just accessing the episteme on your own. obviously to make this knowledge accessible by deterritorializing its language, opening up the semantic gates as in a kind of Biology for Dummies approach, but everywhere conversations are happening. It's the best way I see around of fucking up Expertise as a social institution of power.