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Russia helped the far-right and alt-left groups, I doubt they helped the Islamist groups, which have also operated the same way.

And some of us can tell the difference between studying what a movement/repression situation tells us about the opportunity structure, and supporting the movement. It's pretty obvious that the system could do to anarchists what they did to 8chan and this is a huge danger (if anything I'd expect them to be *harder* on a successful anarchist group than on the far right)... It's utterly irrelevant whether or not you're fine with them doing it to 8chan. Ditto drug marketplaces, Isis, pedo sites etc. It's the same kind of issue as, if I was trying to start a guerrilla uprising, I'd look at the Zapatistas and the Panthers, but I'd also look at how the system responded to Isis, the Naxalites, the Taleban, Joseph Kony, I'd look at how the US-backed Contras did it, and so on... From the state's point of view, anarchists belong to the same class of "extremists" as Nazis, Islamists, Stalinists, black nationalists, fundies, militias, etc, and they all belong in the same basket as each other - this means they'll respond the same way to all of them, and the same countermeasures will work for all of them. It's not fucking rocket science.