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I think it’s less about ‘projects’ and more about life.

Depends on what you mean by 'projects' and 'life', I suppose! When you say, for example, that "Egoism and nihilism... could be powerful tactics, but--" it implies to me that you have some goals in mind (powerful tactics for what?) and when you talk about the "necessary intimacy we need with nature in order to be as healthy, free and immense as we can be" it implies to me that you have some criteria in mind for success. I personally am happy calling 'tactics applied with the purpose or accomplishing goals' "projects" -- not that you have to! -- whereas when I think about 'just living life' I imagine something more laissez faire. So I guess what it's 'about' depends on what you mean. :)

When you said " I want to see massified civilization in ruins. Cities and city culture- art galleries, museums, cafes, theatres, universities, bars, clubs, sub-cultures... " at first I thought you meant you wanted to see *these things* in the ruins, and that was exciting to me! It's ok that you didn't, but I think that would be so cool. I actually enjoy those things quite a bit (the parts of them that aren't totally ruined by capitalism, of course) and could imagine some very cool museums in ruins.

"Make our lives causes sufficient unto themselves. Organically link with others in order to achieve greater and bigger-picture goals. " Yeah. So on board with this!