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So RFA... I was satirizing your apparent complaining or excuses that life is meaningless, for at the same time proning do-nothingism... your own personal way of negating the "existent". Not sure you ever understood Levinas' "existent" in the proper constructivist perspective, where it means something to assume we are producing or reproducing, and not this monstrous antagonism that must be fought agaisnt.

What differentiates the anarchist from the authoritarian sheep, IMO, lies where the first asserts that LIFE HAS THE MEANING WE MAKE IT TO BE and that the Existent being a construct, like technology or language can be rebuilt and re-used accordingly with our own needs, rules, principles, intents and goals. Because at the basis the reality is that we're the producers of these nice big concepts. So there's nothing wrong with defining a meaning to life and asserting it, like full force. Just don't assert them up against me...

What you seem to be promoting, instead. is the circular, self-defeating logic of answering to absence with... absence. So I'm wondering if you aren't chasing another ghost... that of the Existent, and seeking a pure life away from its perceived trappings.

Here's the perfect satire of this posture...

But make no mistake, I'm totally fine with dadaism, which is lacking these days. It can be read as the positive, creative assertion of the meaningless. Yet that, too, can be seen as baaad, bad "doism"... So hey let's try nothing.