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yes, dear anon. i remove your comments! i am the powerful, non-admin, non-collective comment remover! your sleuthing, like your "philosophiizing," is masterful. true facts.

additionally, yes, i am familiar with levinas and his existent. you may have read an essay i wrote in the late 90s on levinas the there is and care (sorge)… but probably not. deep shit. real talk… and your (clearly) recent discovery of levinas's writing and interpretation/application of him/his though in this context is laughable at best. who will you read next that you force fit into conversations where there is no room for them? here… you are missing humor where there is humor and the beautiful sarcasm where it is there. throughout the entirely of this there is (es gibt) laughter but certainly not with you.

my posture is forever fucked up from multiple disc herniations in my cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine from a lifetime of ATTACK. me voice, and you?

go go go!