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Fauvenoir (not verified)
Not to double down on SE, but

Not to double down on SE, but just to point out the basic physics that some climate doomsday prophets are overlooking... Desertification just won't happen in humid climate regions, which still comprise a lot of the global south.

It ain't that easy as it looks to find the causes of what can turn humid into dry/acidic areas. Sometimes it's specific types of air and/or water pollution, in other places it's over-use of water resources...

"Climate Change" is one big concept, containing a lot of inherent epistemological problems, that's far too vague to elicit any clear, solid conviction in me. All I'm really convinced is that over-use of natural resources as well as pollution are having a very detrimental effect on ecosystems, locally and perhaps globally as well. Tho not sure I'd call that climate change.

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