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CIA has got shitloads of agents involved in covert ops with many foreign or domestic corporate sub-contractees, where they apparently been setting up phony insurgencies for profits. Often, those were efficient cover-ups for illegal drug trade to flood the markets while some billionaires can do extra big bucks (if that ain't just how they're doing their big bucks, for the most part).

Think of how that'd work... you set up, through *controlled* media channels, a radical bogeyman with a broad-reaching rhetoric of social revolution, wait for the outside crowd of delusional nobodies (often isolated groups or individuals) to take the bait. Then some people might get arrested, you use this to push your campaign further down to more radicalization, instrumentalizing both the prisoners and those supporting them.

Which doesn't mean this pattern makes anyone doing that the CIA, but what can we expect coming from these facetious, well-off people who we're never really sure where they're really from? You know, I once knew a radical activist superstar of the lib-com crowd, and his parents were Federal agents. The guy was also one major swinebag POS, a domination-obsessed manipulator, who for some mysterious reason everyone in the milieu treated like he's the messiah. Yet he had fucking contacts in local mainstream media and they were doing him lip service at times, over some dumb graffiti, for instance.

That's the reason why I'll never trust those prominent media figures of the radical Left and supposed "anarchist" milieus. As long as it's not people you interpersonnally got to know to be for real (authentic people can be found anywhere, but especially through irl situations) and sharing same intention and/or sensibilities you got, activist gimmicks aren't worth giving any effort.

And that's why a diversity of independent media outlets, instead of a syndication or agglomeration, is always crucial to give yourself real actual leverage in whatever you're doing.