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You Ask Why Your Cities Are Burning?

....just a little song I wrote the other night after coming out of the woods for a second and going online...its more for the citizens, liberals, reformists, and defunders, hopefully nothing too new for anarchists who, I hope, wish to destroy society, not fix we can all live free and autonomously.....piece out - Nazel Pickens (aka...etc)

You Ask Why Your Cities Are Burning?

Twenty generations of bondage
of slavery
of degradation
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of genocide
of stolen land
of dehumanization
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of lies
of broken promises
of broken backs
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of greed and wealth
built on others’ sweat
built on others’ tears
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of not-so-hidden agendas
racist plans
misogynist ploys
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of destruction
taking our water
taking our breath
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of ugliness
grids and order
uniforms and steel
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of knees on our necks
bullets in our heads
poison in our bodies
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of your laws
your jails
your schools
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of crushed dreams
of manufactured madness
of unconsolable sadness
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty generations of suppressed rage
of paternalistic pacification
of materialistic intoxication
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty times twenty generations of imposed reality
with guns and swords
with fences and plows
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty times twenty generations of sickness
of rape
of abuse
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty times twenty generations of brutality
with your wars
in the name of your gods
….and you ask why your cities are burning

Twenty times twenty generations of deadness
when once we walked free
through a world of the living
….and you ask why your cities are burning

All I have to ask at this late hour
as cities burn
with nothing to lose
….what took so goddamn long?