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TOTW: Poetry!

"The Last Anews TOTW Sonnet1 Ever"

Briefly, let's pause from ATTACK!, from the Streets—
Acknowledge anarchy's poetic past.
Words became deeds became words, helped complete
Unfulfilled lives through drawn daggers and blasts!
The blackest of seeds sowed long ago — deep,
By de Cleyre, Ravachol, Novatore,
Grew into revolt — refusal to sleep,
Through the nightmare of Power's cruel story.
Though uprisings fade from ennui or strife,
Hold the Beautiful Idea inside.
Make anarchy part of everyday life,
Destroy what destroys you! — let joy be your guide.
Has poetry crossed your anarchic path?
Did it come from the heights to curse! and to laugh!?

Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted. —Percy Bysshe Shelley

Poetry has always been a companion to the Beautiful Idea. From the earliest proto-anarchists, to the most (in)famous anarchists throughout history, to the newest anarchists sprouting up and finding footing among us — no matter the tendency or current or hyphenation — there is always poetry to be found in every corner of anarchyland.

Long, long ago poetry led me to anarchist ideas and I've always wondered what role has poetry played in the journey of other anarchists. Do you think poetry and anarchy are intertwined, inseparable? Is anarchy, perhaps, that beautiful reflection seen in Shelley's mirror? How has poetry influenced your life as an anarchist and what are some of the most influential poems, poets, or poetic projects in your life?

1. Kind of... :D