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A dusty and moldy "Rimas y Leyendas" by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer primed my taste for the kind of cheesy and corny romanticism that I could later appreciate in Novatore.

That's right, before the Internet, stray books were precious resources that one would not let pass by before peeking into its "secrets". I also used to learn all the lyrics to all the songs that I listened to on the radio when I was little. When I heard a song for the first time, even if in the background, I would pay close attention to listen to the story it told and to begin learning it, since I couldn't just google the lyrics.

Before written language, poetry was used as a mnemonic device in oral traditions.
Now with the internet, we don't keep books around there's less incentive to memorize things, it's all in the palm of our hands, with our Internet connected devices.