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Hostis Journal: We received this mail from a conspirator. It will be included in Issue 3, “Fuck the Police”]

What up Hostis,
This is a thing I made while watching the facebook live of the first night of rioting in Charlotte, NC (and reading the unfortunate comments). I guess the intention behind it is to create space for anti-cop/afropessimist leaning conversation among Black people who aren’t necessarily anarchist or afropessimist, or whatever. If y’all are into it, don’t put a name on it, just use it I guess.

Black Skin, Black Masks

I’m writing to you
Because I love you
And I want you to
Be free

We don’t need them
When we try to fit into their
We fill ourselves with passion

It’s better to flip the table
Than to Smile
And drink more poison

The first cops in america
were slave catchers
They aren’t corrupt
when they kill us
They’re just doing their job
Confront them to defeat them, not to change them

Be careful in the street
Have a friend around to watch your back
Tell peeps to watch out, not to chill

Not everyone is trying to protest
Some people on the warpath
They right to be mad
If you won’t join them
Stay out their way

“No Justice, No Peace!” is a
Don’t say it if you don’t mean it

The poison is still hurting you
If you’re upset that they call us

We might have to
Burn this shit to the ground