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I wasn't there, but I saw too many hammer and sickle tags in videos, tweets, and articles to make me take much interest in this disastrous failed experiment. A zone run by a 'war lord' where assaults, shootings, confiscations of cameras, etc. occur all behind barricades, is not anarchy, it's communism. And as an anarchist I'm sick and fucking tired of getting lumped in with these communists by the media, just as much as I'm getting sick and tired of commies hijacking any social movement that might have a chance of threatening existing power structures, like Occupy.

The next time broad social unrest happens, I propose that at the first sign of a hammer and sickle, we start hunting down the communists and hang them from the nearest tree....not by their necks, just upside down by their feet, with a sign around them saying, 'Communists not welcome'. It won't even begin to make up for what happened at Kronstadt, but hey, at least it's something.