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The town where I live, which is mostly now just another shitty suburb, has plenty of vacant commercial spaces due to ever-increasing taxes in the center and lower taxes in the peripheral areas where it keeps expanding. But occupying those useless buildings and get ready to be evicted overnight. Plus, those concrete-made buildings and energetically inefficient as fuck. Lucky if you're in some southern region, but in the north, you'll be better off camping in a forest in the winter than staying in these nightmare buildings.

Other potential benefits from squatting a forest: Resistance operations against these suburbs, maybe maybe?

Let's be clear that it's not humans who're invading, but forms of life. It's structures, infrastructure and networks. So you stop being a colonizer the day you also stop bringing your inculcated form of life to the wilderness, instead of -just like some of the early settlers have been doing as well- living closer to the native ways.

The Métis and Black Seminoles may have been defeated through symmetrical warfare, yet nowhere their ways have been lost... they just shunned by most people around here.