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ok, i will constructively engage with this comment since my piss-take was deleted, and perhaps rightfully so.
so...ur in for a treat. btw snark is not lethal, it's fairly innocuous, sterile you could say, though it gets stagnant and stinky.

i was actually about to write something very similar to your 07/30/2020 - 13:37 comment (, i didn't like how i worded it. luckily when i refreshed the page, you had posted yours.

"sure yeah, it's just that there's cosmic junkyards full of less explicit anarchist projects/spaces. community gardens, event spaces, bookstores, kitchen co-ops, squatted warehouses, on and on and they generally died of boredom or flakiness or expensive rent instead of under the jackboot.

i guess my point is, it's not so much the insight you're describing as the large group of dedicated folks who do the do… or not."

yes these projects center around a romanticized set of chores that businesses do more effectively, efficiently, and profitably. putting a bunch of random people together does not automatically make for good natural chemistry, organic cohesion, or affinity. they will subsist only resting on the professionalism and work ethic that some people bring to the table, but without getting a living wage from it.

"one of the things I've come to realize, for example, is that a lot of the anarchist movement from the 80s and 90s was piggybacking on the last gasps of the old left, riding it in to the ground like an old zombie horse that was disintegrating . they enjoyed access to space through cracks that have since been bricked up. the watering holes in the desert are dry now."

similarly we could say the anarchist movement of the 2010's and 2020's are piggybacking from summit-hopping and occupy movements, similarly riding zombie horse to the ground. antifa proliferation got anarchists into the news, because white supremacists and altright got some popularity first. this feedback loop kept going and contributed a bit to getting trump elected. now trump loves having "anarchists" in his mouth, feeding into this loop and giving us free (much needed? unwanted? bad?) publicity.