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Beautiful! Encore! *standing ovation

So easy to let these moments pass by unceremoniously.

Sure I don't believe in this stuff literally, but if prisons after years of hosting suffering, become abandoned and are then considered to be haunted sites, then this site is somehow consecrated, or least it created a timeline of liberated souls that will not come to haunt it.

Sure the important thing is the impact on lives here and now. Meanwhile plenty of prisoners in crowded prisons during covid. The answer is not more comfier prisons, but free everyone, fire to the prisons, from the outside in, from the inside out, from the blueprints, to the construction sites, to the ones that are falling apart. Disassembling them block by block takes too long. Not preaching to the choir, but celebrating, and where do I celebrate this event and with whom? People out there mourning shattered windows and not batting an eye for the torture that goes on everyday.